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Source in .scx format of Buttermilk-Blueberry Breakfast Cake

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<Recipe recipeId="52133" locale="en">
<RecipeTitle>Buttermilk-Blueberry Breakfast Cake</RecipeTitle>
<PortionYield quantity="1.0" unit=""></PortionYield>
<PrepTime hours="0.0"></PrepTime>
<TotalTime hours="0.0"></TotalTime>
<IngredientText>Buttermilk-Blueberry Breakfast Cake</IngredientText>
<Ingredient id="1759" quantity="0.5" unit="cup" comment="unsalted" defaultState="true" weightGram="227.0" included="true" cooked="false" isAutoId="true" isAutoWeight="true" isAutoUnit="true">
<IngredientQuantity quantity="0.5" unit="cup">½ cup</IngredientQuantity>
<IngredientItem>unsalted butter</IngredientItem>
<IngredientComment>room temperature</IngredientComment>
<IngredientText>2 tsp. lemon zest or more — zest from 1 large lemon
7/8 cup* + 1 tablespoon sugar**</IngredientText>
<Ingredient id="313" quantity="1.0" unit="" comment="" defaultState="true" weightGram="50.0" included="true" cooked="false" isAutoId="true" isAutoWeight="true" isAutoUnit="true">
<IngredientQuantity quantity="1.0" unit="">1</IngredientQuantity>
<IngredientComment>room temperature</IngredientComment>
<Ingredient id="767" quantity="1.0" unit="tsp." comment="" defaultState="true" weightGram="4.3333335" included="true" cooked="false" isAutoId="true" isAutoWeight="true" isAutoUnit="true">
<IngredientQuantity quantity="1.0" unit="tsp.">1 tsp.</IngredientQuantity>
<Ingredient id="810" quantity="2.0" unit="cups" comment="" defaultState="true" weightGram="124.99999" included="true" cooked="false" isAutoId="true" isAutoWeight="true" isAutoUnit="true">
<IngredientQuantity quantity="2.0" unit="cups">2 cups</IngredientQuantity>
<IngredientComment>(set aside 1/4 cup of this to toss with the blueberries)</IngredientComment>
<Ingredient id="821" quantity="2.0" unit="tsp." comment="" defaultState="true" weightGram="4.6" included="true" cooked="false" isAutoId="true" isAutoWeight="true" isAutoUnit="true">
<IngredientQuantity quantity="2.0" unit="tsp.">2 tsp.</IngredientQuantity>
<IngredientItem>baking powder</IngredientItem>
<Ingredient id="1818" quantity="1.0" unit="tsp." comment="" defaultState="true" weightGram="6.0833335" included="true" cooked="false" isAutoId="true" isAutoWeight="true" isAutoUnit="true">
<IngredientQuantity quantity="1.0" unit="tsp.">1 tsp.</IngredientQuantity>
<IngredientItem>kosher salt</IngredientItem>
<Ingredient id="1483" quantity="2.0" unit="cups" comment="" defaultState="true" weightGram="148.0" included="true" cooked="false" isAutoId="true" isAutoWeight="true" isAutoUnit="true">
<IngredientQuantity quantity="2.0" unit="cups">2 cups</IngredientQuantity>
<IngredientItem>fresh blueberries</IngredientItem>
<Ingredient id="266" quantity="0.5" unit="cup" comment="" defaultState="true" weightGram="245.00002" included="true" cooked="false" isAutoId="true" isAutoWeight="true" isAutoUnit="true">
<IngredientQuantity quantity="0.5" unit="cup">½ cup</IngredientQuantity>
<RecipeText>* 7/8 cup = 3/4 cup + 2 tablespoons
** This 1 tablespoon is for sprinkling on top
1. Preheat the oven to 350ºF. Cream butter with lemon zest and 7/8 cup of the sugar until light and fluffy.
2. Add the egg and vanilla and beat until combined. Meanwhile, toss the blueberries with ¼ cup of flour, then whisk together the remaining flour, baking powder and salt.
3. Add the flour mixture to the batter a little at a time, alternating with the buttermilk. Fold in the blueberries.
4. Grease a 9-inch square baking pan (or something similar) with butter or coat with non-stick spray. Spread batter into pan. Sprinkle batter with remaining tablespoon of sugar. Bake for 35 minutes. Check with a toothpick for doneness. If necessary, return pan to oven for a couple of more minutes. (Note: Baking for as long as 10 minutes more might be necessary.) Let cool at least 15 minutes before serving.

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