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Source in .scx format of Coconut Chia Crackers

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<ShopNCook version="1.0" generator="Shop&apos;NCook recipe database 1.0" xml:lang="en">
<Recipe recipeId="45550" locale="en">
<RecipeTitle>Coconut Chia Crackers</RecipeTitle>
<PortionYield quantity="49.0" unit="crackers">approximately 49 crackers (at 7 rows x 7 rows)</PortionYield>
<PrepTime hours="0.0"></PrepTime>
<TotalTime hours="0.0"></TotalTime>
<IngredientText>Coconut Chia Crackers
(grain free/gluten free, dairy free, soy free, egg free, nut free, paleo)</IngredientText>
<Ingredient id="2202" quantity="0.5" unit="cup" comment="" defaultState="true" weightGram="112.0" included="true" cooked="false" isAutoId="true" isAutoWeight="true" isAutoUnit="true">
<IngredientQuantity quantity="0.5" unit="cup">½ cup</IngredientQuantity>
<IngredientItem>Coconut flour</IngredientItem>
<Ingredient id="-1" quantity="0.25" unit="cup" comment="" defaultState="true" weightGram="0.0" included="true" cooked="false" isAutoId="true" isAutoWeight="true" isAutoUnit="true">
<IngredientQuantity quantity="0.25" unit="cup">¼ cup</IngredientQuantity>
<IngredientItem>Organic Chia seedmeal**</IngredientItem>
<Ingredient id="-1" quantity="0.25" unit="cup" comment="" defaultState="true" weightGram="0.0" included="true" cooked="false" isAutoId="true" isAutoWeight="true" isAutoUnit="true">
<IngredientQuantity quantity="0.25" unit="cup">¼ cup</IngredientQuantity>
<IngredientItem>Organic Extra Virgin Coconut Oil</IngredientItem>
<Ingredient id="181" quantity="0.75" unit="cup" comment="" defaultState="true" weightGram="237.0" included="true" cooked="false" isAutoId="true" isAutoWeight="true" isAutoUnit="true">
<IngredientQuantity quantity="0.75" unit="cup">¾ cup</IngredientQuantity>
<IngredientItem>Boiled Water</IngredientItem>
<Ingredient id="1819" quantity="0.125" unit="tsp" comment="" defaultState="true" weightGram="6.0833335" included="true" cooked="false" isAutoId="true" isAutoWeight="true" isAutoUnit="true">
<IngredientQuantity quantity="0.125" unit="tsp">1/8 tsp</IngredientQuantity>
<IngredientItem>Sea salt</IngredientItem>
<Ingredient id="-1" quantity="0.125" unit="tsp" comment="" defaultState="true" weightGram="0.0" included="true" cooked="false" isAutoId="true" isAutoWeight="true" isAutoUnit="true">
<IngredientQuantity quantity="0.125" unit="tsp">1/8 tsp</IngredientQuantity>
<IngredientItem>Granulated garlic</IngredientItem>
<Ingredient id="-1" quantity="0.5" unit="tsp" comment="" defaultState="true" weightGram="0.0" included="true" cooked="false" isAutoId="true" isAutoWeight="true" isAutoUnit="true">
<IngredientQuantity quantity="0.5" unit="tsp">½ tsp</IngredientQuantity>
<IngredientItem>Italian Seasoning</IngredientItem>
<RecipeText>**For the Chia seed meal I grind whole Chia seeds in my blender or coffee grinder into a powder and just store it in the fridge in a jar.

Pre-heat the oven to 375ºF

Using a whisk or fork, mix the dry ingredients in a bowl until well incorporated.

Add the coconut oil into the bowl.

Add the hot water a little at a time, stirring as you add it in. (This will melt the coconut oil.)

Mix well with a spoon, stirring and mashing out any lumps that might still exist. Once you have a uniform dough in a ball, place it on your silpat or unbleached parchment-paper lined tray and roll out. Keep rolling your dough until it is as thin as you can get it without seeing through or tearing it. Feel free to move pieces of dough around and press it in- the dough is forgiving and easy to &quot;cut and paste.&quot;

Mine rolled to be approximately 14.5” x 10” in measurement. Slice into squares with a pizza cutter.

Bake for approximately 20 minutes depending on your oven. 15 minutes got me a soft bread-like cracker, 20 firm but crisp, and 25 minutes extra crispy and darker.

Makes approximately 49 crackers (at 7 rows x 7 rows)

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