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<ShopNCook version="1.0" generator="Shop&apos;NCook recipe database 1.0" xml:lang="en">
<Recipe recipeId="31208" locale="en">
<RecipeTitle>Galbi Jjim</RecipeTitle>
<PortionYield quantity="1.0" unit=""></PortionYield>
<PrepTime hours="0.0"></PrepTime>
<TotalTime hours="0.0"></TotalTime>
<Ingredient id="941" quantity="2.0" unit="lbs" comment="" defaultState="true" weightGram="448.0" included="true" cooked="false" isAutoId="true" isAutoWeight="true" isAutoUnit="true">
<IngredientQuantity quantity="2.0" unit="lbs">2 lbs (about 1 kg)</IngredientQuantity>
<IngredientItem>beef short ribs</IngredientItem>
<Ingredient id="181" quantity="2.0" unit="cups" comment="" defaultState="true" weightGram="236.8" included="true" cooked="false" isAutoId="true" isAutoWeight="true" isAutoUnit="true">
<IngredientQuantity quantity="2.0" unit="cups">2 cups</IngredientQuantity>
<Ingredient id="717" quantity="4.0" unit="tbs" comment="" defaultState="true" weightGram="15.9375" included="true" cooked="false" isAutoId="true" isAutoWeight="true" isAutoUnit="true">
<IngredientQuantity quantity="4.0" unit="tbs">4 tbs</IngredientQuantity>
<IngredientItem>soy sauce</IngredientItem>
<IngredientText>8 cloves of minced garlic)</IngredientText>
<Ingredient id="1111" quantity="0.5" unit="" comment="" defaultState="true" weightGram="110.0" included="true" cooked="false" isAutoId="true" isAutoWeight="true" isAutoUnit="true">
<IngredientQuantity quantity="0.5" unit="">½</IngredientQuantity>
<IngredientItem>sliced onion</IngredientItem>
<Ingredient id="1111" quantity="0.5" unit="" comment="" defaultState="true" weightGram="110.0" included="true" cooked="false" isAutoId="true" isAutoWeight="true" isAutoUnit="true">
<IngredientQuantity quantity="0.5" unit="">½</IngredientQuantity>
<IngredientItem>grated onion</IngredientItem>
<Ingredient id="1790" quantity="1.0" unit="tbs" comment="" defaultState="true" weightGram="13.75" included="true" cooked="false" isAutoId="true" isAutoWeight="true" isAutoUnit="true">
<IngredientQuantity quantity="1.0" unit="tbs">1 tbs</IngredientQuantity>
<IngredientItem>brown sugar</IngredientItem>
<Ingredient id="726" quantity="0.5" unit="tsp" comment="black" defaultState="true" weightGram="2.1" included="true" cooked="false" isAutoId="true" isAutoWeight="true" isAutoUnit="true">
<IngredientQuantity quantity="0.5" unit="tsp">½ tsp</IngredientQuantity>
<IngredientItem>black pepper</IngredientItem>
<Ingredient id="1508" quantity="4.0" unit="cups" comment="white" defaultState="true" weightGram="200.0" included="true" cooked="false" isAutoId="true" isAutoWeight="true" isAutoUnit="true">
<IngredientQuantity quantity="4.0" unit="cups">4 cups</IngredientQuantity>
<IngredientItem>white sugar</IngredientItem>
<Ingredient id="1111" quantity="1.0" unit="" comment="green" defaultState="true" weightGram="110.0" included="true" cooked="false" isAutoId="true" isAutoWeight="true" isAutoUnit="true">
<IngredientQuantity quantity="1.0" unit="">1</IngredientQuantity>
<IngredientItem>green onion</IngredientItem>
<Ingredient id="844" quantity="1.0" unit="tbsp" comment="" defaultState="true" weightGram="13.6" included="true" cooked="false" isAutoId="true" isAutoWeight="true" isAutoUnit="true">
<IngredientQuantity quantity="1.0" unit="tbsp">1 tbsp</IngredientQuantity>
<IngredientItem>sesame oil</IngredientItem>
<Ingredient id="1104" quantity="1.0" unit="" comment="" defaultState="true" weightGram="72.0" included="true" cooked="false" isAutoId="true" isAutoWeight="true" isAutoUnit="true">
<IngredientQuantity quantity="1.0" unit="">1</IngredientQuantity>
<Ingredient id="1573" quantity="8.0" unit="" comment="" defaultState="true" weightGram="0.0" included="true" cooked="false" isAutoId="true" isAutoWeight="true" isAutoUnit="true">
<IngredientQuantity quantity="8.0" unit="">8</IngredientQuantity>
<RecipeText>½ Korean radish


Soak short ribs in cold water in a large bowl for at least 30 minutes and change the water a few times.

Boil water in a large pot. Put in the short ribs. Boil for 5-10 minutes.
Take out the ribs from the boiling water and wash them with cold water to remove unnecessary fat or floating bubbles.

Throw away the boiling water and clean the pot.
Place the clean beef short ribs in the pot.
Prepare a bowl to make seasoned water by mixing 2 cups of water, 4 tbs soy sauce, 8 cloves of minced garlic, ½ sliced onion, ½ grated onion, 4 cups white sugar, and 1 tbs brown sugar.
Add it to the short ribs in the pot.
Boil it over medium heat for 20 minutes.

Cut carrot and radish into 5 cm-size cubes
Add skinned chestnuts

Open the lid of the pot and add all ingredients (carrot, radish, chestnuts) to the pot. Let it simmer for about 1 hour over low heat.

Stir the ribs and other ingredients with a wooden spoon from time to time. Pour the liquid from the bottom of the pot over top of the meat

Open the lid and check if the meat is cooked fully. Use your chopstick to poke the meat. When it is smoothly going through the meat, the meat is tender enough.

Add 1 tbsp sesame oil, ½ tsp black pepper, and heat it up over high heat.
Mix it well until liquid evaporates

Transfer galbijjim to a platter before serving.

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