Root Vegetable Crumble

Root Vegetable Crumble Categories: casserole|vegetarian
Nb persons: 1
Yield: 360 cals
Preparation time:
Total time:

    1 tsp  olive oil
    ½  red onion
    2 oz  sweetcorn
    2  carrots, small
    2 oz  parsnip
    1 tsp  cornflour
    4 tbsp  vegetable stock
    3 tbsp  skimmed milk
    2 oz  tinned chopped tomatoes
    1 oz  porridge oats
    1 oz  low fat cheese

1. Preheat the oven to 180°C.
2. Peel and chop the vegetables. Heat the oil in a saucepan and sauté the red onion for 1-2 mins. Add the root vegetables and sweat for a further 4-5 mins.
3. Stir in the cornflour to coat the vegetables and then pour over the stock, stirring continuously.
4. Add the milk and tomatoes, bring to the boil, then cover and simmer for 10-12 minutes, until the vegetables are tender.
5. Meanwhile make the crumble by mixing the oats with the grated cheese.
6. Spoon the vegetable mixture into an ovenproof dish and top with the crumble. Bake in the oven for 15-20 minutes until the top is golden.

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