Million Dollar Spaghetti

Million Dollar Spaghetti Categories:
Nb persons: 0
Preparation time:
Total time:

    1 box  spaghetti noodles
    1 lb  ground beef,, (or Italian sausage)
    1 jar  your favorite spaghetti sauce
    8oz  cottage cheese
      ricotta, alternative
    4oz  sour cream
    8oz  cream cheese
Italian seasoning
      Shredded cheese
      Parmesan cheese

1. Boil noodles, drain and set aside.
2. Brown meat. Once browned, add some garlic powder and Italian seasonings and the jar of sauce. Turn burner down to low and let simmer to meld all flavors together.
3. In a bowl, mix cream cheese, sour cream and cottage (or ricotta) cheese together until smooth. Add some Italian seasonings.
4. Spray a 9x13 baking dish with non-stick spray and add cheese mixture and half the noodles. Mix together. Top with remaining noodles. Then top your noodles with the meat/sauce mix.
5. Cover with foil and bake at 350 for 20 minutes.
6. Remove from oven, top with desired amount of Parmesan and shredded cheese and bake, uncovered, for another 5-10 minuted until cheese is melted.

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