Power smoothie

Power smoothie Categories:
Nb persons: 0
Preparation time:
Total time:

    Handful  organic kale, chopped into smaller pieces
    1  ripe Banana
    1/4 cup  Frozen Raspberries, (can use fresh, but the frozen helps the smoothie froth a little more)
    1 Tbsp  Chia Seeds
    1 Tbsp  Ground Flax Seeds

1 & 1/4 Cup chilled Almond Milk

Layer your blender or bullet with the kale, banana, raspberries, chia seeds, and flax seeds. Pour the almond milk over the ingredients and blend until a smoothie consistency is obtained. You can add more or less almond milk or water depending on how thick you like your smoothie. Serve immediately.

Recipe uploaded with Shop'NCook for iPhone.

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