Nb persons: 0
Preparation time:
Total time:

    1 8 ounce package  noodles- small curly noodles are what I use.
    5 T  butter
Seasonings---to taste: salt, pepper, season-all, tabasco
    2 c  light cream
    3  egg yolks
    1/4  sherry
Harvey's Bristol Cream--I use about 1/4c in the beginning and the end Approx 1 cup grated or shredded Romano cheese
    1 c  lobster-sauté in butter
    1 c  crabmeat-sprinkle atop before placing crumbs atop
2 1/2 p scallops--sauté in butter 2 p shrimp-sauté in butter
    2 T  seasoned, homemade, fresh soft bread crumbs
    3 T  grated or shredded Parmesan cheese

Cook noodles as directed.
Melt 2 T butter in pan over medium heat.
Gradually stir in the cream.
Heat through.
Cool for 5 minutes.
Gradually stir in beaten egg yolks,seasonings, sherry, Harveys and Romano cheese
Add extra Harveys to taste
Cook over low heat
Reduce sauce by 1/4--I triple the cream amount used to keep the finished product creamier.--STIR CONSTANTLY!
Add seafood atop noodles in whatever size vessel you are baking it in
Pour over noodles
Top with bread crumbs and Parmesan cheese.
Dot with remaining butter.
Bake uncovered in preheated 400 degree oven for about 20 minutes.

Recipe uploaded with Shop'NCook for iPhone.

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