
Coleslaw Categories:
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Coleslaw: At home as a child, we used to make coleslaw by putting cabbage, carrots, and a little onion through a meat/nut grinder. The dressing was mayonaise, vinegar, sugar and salt. Now we just slice with a knife or grater, about as thick as a nickel. If you add the salt when slicing the cabbage, one draws out the natural juice of the cabbage. This then mixes with the other dressing ingredients to marinate the slaw. Low-cal dressing is simple--just vinegar, salt, and honey. (Or if you're out of mayo) Approximate proportions for a dressing are 1/2 c. mayonaise, 2 tbs. vinegar or lemon juice, 2 tbs. honey, and 1/2 tsp salt. Or make an Asian type dressing: 1T soy sauce, 1 T vinegar, 2 T sesame oil, 2 t. minced ginger, ½ c creamy peanut butter, 1 t. honey, dash hot pepper. Add a little chopped parsley, and green onion rings. Mix it up, taste, and adjust as you like.

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