KEFIR - How To Make

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How to Make Your Own Milk Kefir at Home

Generations have been making these cultured dairy foods using the same foolproof methods: Combine raw or minimally processed dairy (organic, non-homogenized milk) with a starter culture. Place the brew in a warm place. And wait, usually 1-2 days.

Kefir is traditionally made with cow's milk. If you are unable to tolerate cow’s milk, it can also be made using coconut, goat, or sheep’s milk:

Mix one package of Body Ecology Kefir Starter with one quart of slightly warm milk (at body temperature or 92°). Place into a glass container. Secure lid.
Allow your ferment to rest in a warm place (around 72-75°F) for 18 to 24 hours. You will know that it is ready when the milk has thickened. The final consistency should be easy to pour but not suitable to eat with a spoon. When ready, your kefir will have a sour fragrance.
Stir well and place in the refrigerator. The fermentation process will continue even in the refrigerator, but chilling will slow down the fermentation of the beneficial yeast and healthy bacteria.
When you are ready to make your second batch of kefir, use a few tablespoons of your first batch and add it to freshly warmed milk.
The shelf life of Body Ecology’s Kefir Starter is 12 months from the manufactured date when kept refrigerated or longer when it is stored in the freezer.

Recipe uploaded with Shop'NCook for iPhone.

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