Kale with Gomasio

Kale with Gomasio Categories: Import
Nb persons: 4
Preparation time:
Total time:
Source: elanaspantry.com

    1 bunch  kale
    2 cups  sesame seeds
    1 tablespoon  celtic sea salt

1.Rinse the kale, slice into ribbons and steam over medium heat for 3-5 minutes, until bright green; uncover after cooking and leave in pot to maintain warmth
2.Place sesame seeds in a cast iron skillet over medium heat
3.Roast for 10 minutes, stirring constantly with a wooden spoon until seeds turn golden brown
4.Place sesame seeds and salt in a suribachi or mortar and pestle and grind them into a coarse meal
5.When cooled, transfer to a glass container
6.Place kale in a serving dish and sprinkle with gomasio
Serves 4

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