
Baklava Categories:
Nb persons: 0
Preparation time:
Total time:

    1pound  fillo pastry
    1/2 cup  unsalted butter, (melted)
    2cups  crushed nuts, (pistachio or walnuts)
    2tsp  rosewater
    1/2cup  powdered sugar
    1/2 tsp  cinnamon
    2 cups  granulated sugar
    1/2 cup  water
    1 teaspoon  lemon juice

Grease 8.5x11 dish. Lay down one layer of fillo dough,brush with butter, continue until half of the fillo dough is used. Combine nuts with cinnamon, powered sugar and rosewater and spread on top of fillo dough. Continue layering and buttering until you are finished with the dough. Spread reaming butter on top and cut in diamond shapes.

Bake at 400 degrees for 40 min. Combine granulated sugar and water, bring to a boil, add lemon juice and boil for 10 min. Cool syrup and poor over cooked baklava, recut diamond shapes. Serve and enjoy!

Recipe uploaded with Shop'NCook for iPhone.

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