Sheela's Chapati Recipe

Sheela's Chapati Recipe Categories: Bread|Indian
Nb persons: 0
Yield: 8 chapati
Preparation time:
Total time:
Source: Sheela George

    1 3/4 cup  Golden Temple Duram Atta flour, (wheat flour and wheat bran), save 1/4 cup for below
    1/4 cup  for rolling dough on counter with
    2 tbsp  olive oil
    3/4 cup  warm water, pour onto hands and into bowl mixing in, little more as needed, moist but not watery

Knead with hands, roll with rolling pin until flat.

Put on flat skillet without oil

Let cook a couple minutes on each side. Use paper towel to help bubble up. When it has bubbled up completely, it is complete.

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