Fuhrman kids PEACHY LEEK SOUP Categories:
Nb persons: 4
Preparation time:
Total time:

    2 cups  dried peaches,, (soaked in 1 cup of water overnight.)
    1 pound bag  frozen peaches
    1/4 cup  lentils
    4 large  onions
    2  leek stalks, split and washed
    2 pounds  carrots, juiced
    4-ounce bag  spinach
    4 cups  water

Blend the frozen peaches into the water until smooth and add in a large, covered soup pot.

Chop the soaked dried peaches into small chunks and place in the soup pot with the soaking water and set on a low flame. Add the lentils, chopped anions, and leeks. Take all the carrot juice and blend the raw spinach into it in a blender, food processor, or Vita-Mix and then add to the pot. Take the soft cooked leeks out of the soup pot and blend until smooth with the soup liquid and pour back into the pot. Simmer on a low flame in a covered pot another 30 minutes.

Recipe uploaded with Shop'NCook for iPhone.

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