Carol's scones

Carol's scones Categories:
Nb persons: 0
Preparation time:
Total time:

    2 c  flour
    1 t  BP
    1/4 c  raisins, (or nuts, choc chips or whatever)
    1 cube  butter, melted
    2/3 c  yogurt, (vanilla I used and don't use non-fat as won't work)

400 degrees for 15-20 minutes

Melt butter, stir in yogurt and raisins with a fork. Add flour and BP.
Mix well, eventually with your hands gently. Form into two balls.
Somewhat flatten the balls and then cut them into fourths and
separate. Place on an ungrease cookie sheet and bake. Eat
smothered with jam and whipped cream. Better yet, eat 2 with
a friend.

Recipe uploaded with Shop'NCook for iPhone.

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