Punch - Kay's

Punch - Kay's Categories: Punch
Nb persons: 0
Preparation time:
Total time:
Source: Kay Hudson's Recipe

    1 (12 oz)  Orange Juice
    1 (12 oz)  Lemonade
    1 (46 oz)  Pineapple Juice
    5  ripe bananas
    4 cups  sugar
    3 bottles  Ginger Ale


1. Boil 4 cups sugar & 6 cups of water.
2. Add Orange Juice, Lemonade, Pineapple Juice & bananas
3. Freeze in 3 half gallon containers.
4. Thaw 3 hours prior to use.
5. Serve each half-gallon with 1-2 bottles of Ginger Ale.

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