BBQ Sandwiches

BBQ Sandwiches Categories:
Nb persons: 0
Preparation time:
Total time:

    2 T.  Salt
    2 T.  Pepper
    2T.  Brown Sugar
    2T.  Paprika
    1/2 T.  Cayenne
    4 lb.  ShoulderPork Roast
    2 C.  Apple Juice
    1 C.  Apple Cider Vinegar
    2 T.  Worcester
    1/2 T.  Liquid Smoke
    1/2 T.  Garlic Powder

Preheat oven to 325 degrees

Mix first five ingredients in a small bowl, this will create a dry rub. Sprinkle dry rub all over the pork roast, pressing into the pork. Cover with plastic and refrigerate for at least 2 hours.

Combine liquid ingredients and the garlic powder in a medium bowl and pour into a large Dutch oven. Place pork into Dutch oven and tightly cover with aluminum foil then lid. Roast for 4 hours or until fork tender and shreds easily. Brush roast with cooking liquid every hour.

Remove from oven and let stand until cool enough to handle. Shred the pork with a fork

Recipe uploaded with Shop'NCook for iPhone.

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