Goldenrod Eggs

Goldenrod Eggs Categories:
Nb persons: 2
Preparation time:
Total time:

    3  hard boiled eggs
    1 1/2 c.  medium white sauce, (see recipe below)
    4 slices  toast, (toast 15 minutes before serving so toast can be firm)
Boil eggs for 15 min. Make white sauce below. Separate whites and yolks. Chop whites and add to sauce. Crumble egg yolks in small bowl with fork. To serve: pour 2-3 T. over toast and sprinkle with yolks.
    Medium  White Sauce
    2 T.  margarine
    2 T.  flour
    1 c.  milk
      pepper to taste

Melt margarine in small saucepan over low heat. Blend flour in margarine continuing to stir. Add milk stirring constantly. Cook until thick and smooth while constantly stirring. Add salt and pepper.

Recipe uploaded with Shop'NCook for iPhone.

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