Risotto with red wine and porcini mushrooms

Risotto with red wine and porcini mushrooms Categories: Side dishes|Rice
Nb persons: 0
Preparation time:
Total time:

    500ml  chicken stock
    60g  butter
    3 tablespoons  red onion, chopped
    200g  round grain risotto rice, such as arborio or carnaroli
    2-3 tablespoons  red wine
    1/3 cup  grated parmesan
    1 package  dried cepes

Heat the stock in a saucepan and keep it warm at the side of the stove. Melt half the butter in a shallow saucepan or casserole, add the onion and sauté for 5-7 minutes until soft, but not browned. Stir in the rice and sauté, stirring constantly, until the butter is absorbed, about 2 minutes.

Stir in the wine simmer, stirring, until the rice starts to dry, 5-7 minutes. Add a couple of ladlefuls of hot stock and continue simmering, stirring gently but constantly.

Continue cooking, stirring all the time and adding more stock in batches. At the end of cooking, the rice should be tender, still slightly al dente (chewy) and creamy from the starch that has begun to leach from the grains. This will take 25 to 35 minutes and don’t hesitate to use plenty of stock.

Take the risotto from the heat, add the remaining butter in pieces, and stir it into the rice as it melts. Taste and adjust the seasoning. Serve the risotto in shallow bowls or on deep plates with a sprinkling of Parmesan. It is best served at once, though it can be kept warm for a few minutes. If necessary, soften it with a little more stock just before serving.
Adapted from https://www.bbcgoodfood.com/recipes/1274/red-wine-risotto

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