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Macaroni Mushroom Bake

Macaroni Mushroom Bake Categories: pasta|cheese
Nb persons: 4
Preparation time:
Total time:
Source: 365 Vegetarian Main Meals

    4 oz  wholemeal macaroni
    2  eggs
    200ml  milk
    2 oz  fresh breadcrumbs
    2 tbsp  vegetable oil
    1 small  onion, sliced
    1 small  red pepper, sliced
    6 oz  mushrooms, sliced
    6 oz  low fat cheese, grated
    1 oz  sunflower seeds
    8 oz  broccoli, additional

1. Cook the macaroni in a saucepan of boiling water for 10 minutes, or until just tender, then drain well.
2. Mix with the beaten eggs, milk and breadcrumbs.
3. Heat most of the oil in a pan and gently fry the onion and pepper until they begin to soften.
4. Add the rest of the oil and the mushrooms. Cook for just a few minutes more.
5. Stir the well-drained vegetables into the macaroni mixture, adding the grated cheese and seasoning.
6. Turn into a greased ovenproof dish, smooth the top and sprinkle with the seeds. Bake at 375°F/190°C/Gas Mark 5 for 30 minutes, or until set.
Serve with: hot steamed brussels sprouts and, if liked, a tomato and spring onion salad.

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