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Warm Roast Vegetable Salad with Pasta

Warm Roast Vegetable Salad with Pasta Categories: vegetarian|pasta
Nb persons: 1
Yield: 354 cals
Preparation time:
Total time:
Source: Tesco Diets

    1  red onion
    2  tomatoes
    ½  yellow pepper
    1  courgette
    2 tsp  olive oil
    2 oz  pasta
    1 handfuls  watercress
    1 tbsp  fresh basil
    3 tsp  lemon juice

1. Pre-heat your oven to 190°C.
2. Quarter the onion and tomatoes and cut the rest of the vegetables into similar-sized pieces.
3. Place your vegetables in an oven-proof dish, drizzle with the olive oil and bake for 20-25 minutes or until tender.
4. Boil the pasta according to the packet instructions, excluding any additional salt or fat.
5. When boiled, drain the pasta and place in a bowl. Remove your roasted vegetables from the oven and add them and their pan juices to the pasta. Mix well to coat.
6. Finally, add the rocket, fresh basil leaves and lemon juice to your bowl and mix well. If pumpkin seeds are included in your recipe, sprinkle them on top and serve.

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