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Veggie Pasta

Veggie Pasta Categories: pasta|vegetarian
Nb persons: 1
Yield: 345 cals
Preparation time:
Total time:
Source: Tesco Diets

    1 tsp  olive oil
    1 pinch  dried oregano
    1 pinch  italian seasoning
    1 pinch  garlic powder
    1 tsp  sunflower seeds
    2 oz  pasta
    2 oz  green beans
    2 oz  carrot
    2 tsp  tomato purée
    1 serving  salad leaves, additional
    2 tsp  low fat salad dressing, additional
    ½ oz  mixed nuts & raisins, additional

1. Prepare pasta according to package directions, omitting fat and salt.
2. Chop the carrot into matchstick-sized pieces and slice the green beans into similar sized pieces.
3. Sauté the vegetables briefly in the oil. Season with the spices.
4. Combine the vegetables and pasta with tomato purée. Sprinkle with the sunflower seeds and serve.

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