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Source in .scx format of PRETZELS - Chocolate-Dipped Peanut Butter Pretzel Bites

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<ShopNCook version="1.0" generator="Shop&apos;NCook recipe database 1.0" xml:lang="en">
<Recipe recipeId="63842" locale="en">
<RecipeTitle>PRETZELS - Chocolate-Dipped Peanut Butter Pretzel Bites</RecipeTitle>
<PortionYield quantity="1.0" unit=""></PortionYield>
<PrepTime hours="0.0"></PrepTime>
<TotalTime hours="0.0"></TotalTime>
<IngredientText>Chocolate-Dipped Peanut Butter Pretzel Bites
about 20 pieces
<Ingredient id="1207" quantity="1.0" unit="cup" comment="" defaultState="true" weightGram="0.0" included="true" cooked="false" isAutoId="true" isAutoWeight="true" isAutoUnit="true">
<IngredientQuantity quantity="1.0" unit="cup">1 cup</IngredientQuantity>
<IngredientItem>crushed pretzels</IngredientItem>
<Ingredient id="-1" quantity="0.75" unit="cup" comment="" defaultState="true" weightGram="0.0" included="true" cooked="false" isAutoId="true" isAutoWeight="true" isAutoUnit="true">
<IngredientQuantity quantity="0.75" unit="cup">¾ cup</IngredientQuantity>
<IngredientItem>creamy peanut butter</IngredientItem>
<IngredientText>One-third cup powdered sugar</IngredientText>
<Ingredient id="1759" quantity="2.0" unit="Tbsp" comment="unsalted" defaultState="true" weightGram="14.2" included="true" cooked="false" isAutoId="true" isAutoWeight="true" isAutoUnit="true">
<IngredientQuantity quantity="2.0" unit="Tbsp">2 Tbsp</IngredientQuantity>
<IngredientItem>unsalted butter</IngredientItem>
<Ingredient id="-1" quantity="8.0" unit="oz" comment="" defaultState="true" weightGram="28.0" included="true" cooked="false" isAutoId="true" isAutoWeight="true" isAutoUnit="true">
<IngredientQuantity quantity="8.0" unit="oz">8 oz</IngredientQuantity>
<IngredientItem>milk chocolate</IngredientItem>

In a large mixing bowl combine the pretzels, peanut butter, sugar, and butter. Stir well until the mixture comes together in a cohesive ball. Roll 1 Tbsp scoops of the mixture between your palms to form about 24 even balls. Arrange on a plate or cutting board and freeze for 30 minutes.

Dip the frozen balls in melted chocolate to coat and set on a cooling rack or parchment paper until the chocolate becomes firm. Store in the refrigerator for up to three days.

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