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Baked Stuffed McIntosh Apples

Baked Stuffed McIntosh Apples Categories:
Nb persons: 0
Preparation time:
Total time:

    6 large  McIntosh apples
    Juice of 1/2  lemon
    1 cup  musli cereal with nuts
    6 tablespoons  butter
    1/2 cup  brown sugar
    1/2 teaspoon  cinnamon
      Freshly grated nutmeg

Vanilla bean ice cream, for topping

Preheat oven to 375 degree F.

Peel the skin from the top third of the apples. Using a melon baller scoop out a cavity for the stuffing and remove the cores. Dress the apples with a little lemon juice and trim up the bottoms if necessary so the apples will sit upright.

Combine the stuffing ingredients in a small bowl then overfill the apples, mounding the cereal mixture up a little bit.bKe until bubbly and tender but not mushy, about 20 minutes. Top with small scoops of vanilla ice cream.

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