White Castle Dressing

White Castle Dressing Categories:
Nb persons: 0
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Total time:

10-12 White Castle Sliders—no pickles
    1 1/2 cups  diced celery
    1 1/4 tsps.  ground thyme
    1 1/2 tsps.  ground sage
    3/4 tsps.  black pepper—-coarsely ground
    1 cup  chicken broth——if making it in a casserole dish
    1/4 cup  chicken broth——if stuffing a turkey

In a large bowl tear sliders into pieces and add celery and seasonings. If making a casserole add 1 cup of broth and toss well. Put in casserole dish and
bake at 350 degrees for 35 minutes. If you stuff a turkey use directions as above, but reduce the broth to 1/4cup.

Makes about 9cups——enough for a 10-12pound turkey.

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